Make an Appointment: [email protected] | 816-663-9916

  • Rediscover Your Spark

    Hey there!

    I’m glad you’re here.

    I know you’re tired.

    You’ve done everything you can think of to reclaim your sense of self, identity, and make meaning out of the circumstances you’re in. 

    You didn’t expect relationship strain, divorce, marriage, retirement, trauma, or job changes to come out of nowhere, knock the wind out of you, and steal your joy.

    You wouldn’t have imagined being unable to name your interests, hobbies, dreams, or boundaries-but you’re ready to discover what they are.

    Life wasn’t supposed to be this way.

    Still, you have hope that things can be different.

    If you didn’t have hope, if some part of you didn’t believe things could change, you wouldn’t be looking for help.

    Hold on to that.

    If you’re looking to:

    Stop People Pleasing

    Create Boundaries

    Tame Your Inner Critic

    Heal From Betrayal

    Heal From Sex/Porn Addiction

    Reconnect With Your Faith or Spirituality

    Wrestle With Your Faith or Spirituality

    Rediscover Who You Are After Marriage, Divorce, Retirement, Empty Nest, or Job Changes

    Let’s Begin.

    **Now accepting clients in KY and OH.  If you are in a different location, I suggest using  This is a directory that allows you to filter a search for your area, insurance, and the issues you’d like to address.

    Here are some places to get started

    About Aislinn

    I’m Aislinn, psychotherapist and fellow human. I want to support and celebrate you as you choose hope, healing, rebuilding and dreaming – even in the midst of your suffering. As a human first, I know what it’s like to walk through darkness looking for even just a spark of hope. I also wholeheartedly believe that healing is possible.