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  • Christian Counseling

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    Life is messy. No one is perfect. And you are undeniably lovable.

    As a holistic clinician, I believe our worldview heavily influences how we experience ourselves, each other, and the Divine.

    Christian counseling can mean different things to different people. Here’s what to expect from Christian counseling with me:

    1. I offer a non-judgmental environment.
    2. You decide what you are comfortable doing in counseling. Some people want to pray together or incorporate scripture. Some people just acknowledge their faith and don’t want to talk about it much. Whatever you want to do is valid and respected. You are in control.
    3. I do not assume that our faith traditions are the same.

    You don’t have to have it all together or all figured out. If you’re wrestling with wounds, doubts, or shame…you are treasured and welcome here.